

Choosing Between Steel vs Aluminium Scaffolding: Does It Matter?

2021-01-26 加盛工程

Scaffolding is an integral part of every construction process. It ensures safety and convenience by providing much-needed support for workers and loads. The type of scaffolding you choose depends on the nature of your project, the repairs, or the construction you are undertaking. While you can easily choose between timber and metal scaffolding, selecting between steel and aluminium can be dicey. In this article, we look at the pros and cons of steel and aluminium to help you choose the right metal scaffold for your construction project. 


Steel Scaffolding 

Undoubtedly, steel is robust and can withstand pressure from strong winds and storms. Steel scaffold frameworks can constitute of gantry, tubular, socket or cup-lock steel systems. Steel can be moulded into various shapes making them suitable supporting columns and curved structures. Furthermore, steel is reusable and has the highest in-class structural versatility and strength.  Steel scaffolds are easy to erect and dismantle because it involves bolt-free but sturdy connections. 


However, steel can be heavy and expensive, making it costly for construction companies. Its heftiness makes steel difficult to transport. Sometimes, it becomes difficult to dismantle the heavy materials when constructing multi-storey buildings. 



  • Steel provides the firm support even in extreme weather 
  • It is durable and can withstand the entire lifespan of a construction project. 
  • Steel provides fast, easy and safe assembly and dismantle.
  • It is reusable allowing contractors to cut down construction costs. 



  •  It is expensive 
  •  Heavier than aluminium making it difficult to transport and sometimes cumbersome to assemble and dismantle
  •  When exposed to water, steel can rust effectively reducing its lifespan 


Aluminium Scaffolding 

Contractors who want lightweight but powerful material usually opt for aluminium. For that reason, most construction projects in Hong Kong use aluminium scaffolds, as they are versatile and durable. Because of its lightweight properties, aluminium is easy to transport, assemble and dismantle. 



  •  Easy to handle: transport, assemble and dismantle 
  •  Minimal labour costs 
  •  Strong and durable 
  •  Affordable than steel 
  •  Simple and quick installation 
  •  Naturally resistant to corrosion



  •  Improper handling or transportation can damage parts or components 
  •  Difficulties when staging extra heights because of the increasing weight 


While aluminium is the most popular scaffolding for engineers and contractors alike, steel comes in handy when handling projects that require movement of heavy materials. Aluminium is more flexible and portable than steel. It is easily manoeuvrable and provides convenience when assembling and dismantling. On the other hand, steel provides stability and strength when constructing skyscrapers and other structures with great heights. 


Selection of steel or aluminium depends on your construction project. At FARS Engineering, we have critical industry experience in metal scaffolding design and can provide inspection & consulting services pertaining to metal scaffolding. 


Contact us so that we can assess and inspect your project and provide you with the right scaffolding at an affordable cost. Meanwhile, you can look around our website or blog to have a feeling our products and services.