

Basic Guide; Hong Kong’s Safety Equipments in Construction Sites

2021-07-22 FARS Engineering

Hong Kong’s construction industry is one of the most indispensable industries to Hong Kong’s economy. It is considered as one of the pillars in Hong Kong’s economic development. In fact, according to statistics, the GDP from construction in Hong Kong increased to 27947 HKD Million in the first quarter of 2021 from 26440 HKD in the fourth quarter of 2020. This industry is a vital part of the economic growth as it remains to develop even during the surge of the Coronavirus pandemic, compared to other industries which have been significantly affected by it.


The almost consistent development and progress in the construction business means that more people are engaging in this industry, causing an increase in the number of workers being employed. According to the Development Bureau, in the pre-pandemic year of 2019, during the first quarter, more than 107 thousand registered workers were employed. When the pandemic occurred, the number decreased at its lowest in 2020 with just more than 93 thousand registered workers. However, come the first quarter of 2021, the number has increased to more than 102 thousand and it is still increasing as the economy slowly recovers and eases its way into the “new normal”.


Although Hong Kong’s construction industry is positively known in terms of its contribution to the economy, it is also known as a high-risk industry and the second contributor to the total number of work related accidents and casualties following the food and beverages industry. In line with the main purpose of ensuring safety and security in the workplace, the Labour Department in collaboration with the Occupational Safety and Health Council (OSHC) released guidelines in ensuring the safety in construction sites including basic and minimum requirements in safety and protective equipment to be used at all times in site. Below are the equipment and their importance:


  1. Eye Protection

We must note that even “minor” injuries can cause long term impairment in a person’s eyesight. Simple debris, mostly can’t be seen with the naked eye, such as sawdust, cement or drywall, as well as chemicals, projectiles, gas and radiation, can come in contact with the eyes in the absence of eye protection. This can cause accidents in the workplace, not just to one’s self but also to other co-workers as it can cause disorientation while handling equipment or even in movement or navigation in the workplace. Studies also suggest that having impaired vision can affect a person’s focus and reaction, which are vital when in the construction sites. There are numerous options in the market for eye protection and some varies according to the purpose and use but may include the following features for better eye protection:

  • Cushioned brows
  • Adjustable lenses
  • Anti-fog lenses
  • An interchangeable head strap
  • Padded or gel nose-bridges
  • Vented frames
  • Flexible temples


  1. Head protection

Working in construction means that every part of the human body is exposed to any physical harm, this includes the most important part of our body, our head. As the work place is filled with heavy duty equipment, dense materials and sharp objects coupled with working at great heights, protective helmets and head gears are a must. This prevents impact from falling or flying objects, as well any risk of head injuries caused by bumping in a compact and cramped work environment. It can also prevent or at least minimize head injuries caused by falling. Since workers work in a high-risk work environment, there are numerous cases of unforeseen incidents and wearing head protection can prevent or at least mitigate the outcome.


  1. Personal Protective Equipment

As mentioned before, the construction industry is a high-risk industry prone to any types of accidents. The work environment can expose a person to working in dangerous places such as high areas hence, protective equipment cannot be dispensed with. In fact, it is mandated by law and the OSHC that employers provide sufficient protective equipment to their workers. Personal protective equipment includes a safety harness - to prevent a fall, gloves - to secure grip, safety shoes – to comfortably move and gain balance and construction suit – to ensure comfort and prevention of any burns or injury to the skin or the body in general.


As a matter of law and policy, it is the duty of employers to ensure the safety and security of their workers in the workplace. At the end of the day, the main priority in the construction industry is safety. We, at FARS, are compliant with all the safety requirements and maintain a safe environment for our teammates. In fact, we were awarded a Site and Safety Model Worker Award. This not only acknowledges our effort to ensure a safe workplace, but also encourages us to employ and explore additional methods in ensuring safety.


For other safety equipment, check out our safety products or contact us for cost-efficient solutions to ensure safety in the workplace or contact us directly!